All Stories For Youngsters

Knights, mythical beasts, and princesses are the things generally great fantasies are made of, however what happens when the story has a LGBTQ finishing? Follow Cedric on his excursion from his days on a modest pumpkin homestead to the experiences that lead him to turn into an undeniable knight. When a knight, find how he utilizes his shrewdness and fortitude to vanquish a fire-breathing mythical beast and salvage a lovely ruler and princess. It is really at that time does Sir Cedric face his most troublesome test. Will he rely on his instinct, and demonstrate that occasionally the most courageous thing you can do is decide for yourself how your fantasy closes?

The gnarble needs just to swim up over the waters to see the blue sky, yet gnarbles don’t have flappers like blyfish do, and gnarbles don’t for a moment even have koggers like the swimming gungaloo! In any case, however gnarbles never swim so high, this specific not set in stone to see the sunlit sky. He swims past light gishy-golly and taking care of fipple-fosh, however who might think the little gnarble could pass the hungry warckel, subbaubble, and — generally risky of all — the evil plink?!

Daniel Errico’s enchanting gibberish rhymes and Tiffany Turrill’s distinctive, expressive iillustrations consolidate delightfully in this engaging story of a little fish on a major mission. Children will snicker out loud at insane animals with names like gishy-golly and glimmy glins; guardians will cherish cuddling up with their kids to learn about the little gnarble’s ventures in this odd universe of senseless ocean animals. Join the little gnarble on his remarkable excursion from the sea depths to the sparkling sun!


Yet, beyond mere entertainment, storytelling serves as a mirror reflecting the kaleidoscope of the human condition. It illuminates the complexities of our shared existence, fostering empathy, understanding, and compassion. In the narratives we’ve encountered, we’ve glimpsed fragments of our own struggles, aspirations, and triumphs, forging connections that transcend time and space.